I knew I wanted to stop smoking for my baby, but I felt so pressured and wasn't sure what to do. As soon as I was referred to my Maternity T …
Laura's Journey
Laura’s Journey
I knew I wanted to stop smoking for my baby, but I felt so pressured and wasn’t sure what to do.
As soon as I was referred to my Maternity Tobacco Dependency Treatment Advisor, I felt so much more comfortable and supported. Gillian did such an amazing job of helping me, checking in with me and putting me at ease.
I knew about different things you could use to help you stop, but having a dedicated person to help is what made the difference for me.
I swapped to an inhalator and am now Smokefree!
I’m really proud to be giving my baby the healthiest start.
Paul's Story
When I was admitted to hospital, I knew I had to quit - my consultant told me I had to if I wanted to live longer. I was doubtful that it wo …
Paul's Story
Paul’s Story
When I was admitted to hospital, I knew I had to quit – my consultant told me I had to if I wanted to live longer.
I was doubtful that it would work after years of smoking, and the longest I’d ever managed before in my quit attempts was 4 days.
My Tobacco Dependency Treatment Advisor, Babs, talked through the whole process, and explained about the harmful toxins released when a cigarette is burned and also how nicotine replacement therapy worked – and that it’s not nicotine that’s harmful – it’s the tobacco – I never knew!
I was given patches to manage the cravings, and my Advisor spent time talking to me about my habits, and how I could change very slight things which would then mean I’m less likely to think about smoking. Gradually, I found I was thinking about smoking less and less, and I felt more proud of myself every day I was tobacco free.
Now I’ve been Smokefree for six months! I never, ever thought I would reach this point and not feel miserable. The truth is, I feel free – I didn’t realise how much cigarettes controlled everything I did.
I’ve saved so much money, and bought all sorts of kitchen gadgets – I love cooking now I can taste my food better. It’s amazing how quickly your breathing improves and how much better you feel in general in such a short space of time.
I really can’t thank the team enough – I have a new lease of life. I’m so happy my family are not worrying about me anymore, they’re proud of me, and I’m proud of myself. There are no negatives to quitting.
I think it’s wonderful that the NHS offer this service, thank you.
Paul Brittain
Research Nurse, York Hospital
When I approached Beth from City of York Health Trainers, who ran the staff stop smoking service at York Hospital, I was ready to make a cha …
Paul Brittain
Research Nurse, York Hospital
Staff Member Paul’s Story
When I approached Beth from City of York Health Trainers, who ran the staff stop smoking service at York Hospital, I was ready to make a change, and felt that this time was going to be different. I had been smoking for many years, and after welcoming my first grandchild, I wanted to prioritise my health for my family and future.
In the first appointment, Beth worked with me to change the focus of the quit attempt from stopping altogether, which was terrifying, to swapping to something else instead, which is where the vape proved invaluable.
Once I got started and got a few tobacco free days under my belt, I realised I could actually do this, and my confidence grew so much. I felt like a non-smoker quite quickly, which gave me such pride, and was such a positive change from how unsure I was at the beginning.
I cant imagine ever smoking again, and it’s such a relief!
Sarah Wise
Consultant Midwife
The NHS Tobacco Dependency Treatment advisors are a huge help to the maternity team and service users. If you smoke, the very best thing you …
Sarah Wise
Consultant Midwife
Swap and Stop for stronger babies
The NHS Tobacco Dependency Treatment advisors are a huge help to the maternity team and service users. If you smoke, the very best thing you can do for you and your baby is to swap to a safer form of nicotine or ideally quit completely.
The Tobacco Dependency Treatment Team directly support our maternity service users and midwives, offering ‘Swap and Stop‘ advice and free treatment to help your family become Smokefree and have a healthier future.
Andrew Burgess
Cardiac Patient – Diana Princess of Wales Hospital, Grimsby
I didn’t plan to become Smokefree when I went to hospital, but after being told by the nurses and doctors, I knew I had to quit for my hea …
Andrew Burgess
Cardiac Patient – Diana Princess of Wales Hospital, Grimsby
Andrew’s Story
I didn’t plan to become Smokefree when I went to hospital, but after being told by the nurses and doctors, I knew I had to quit for my health.
I have tried to quit a few times but started smoking again. This time I have swapped to a vape and nicotine patches, which has so far worked well. I was a little worried going back to work and being with colleagues who smoke on breaks, but I just use my vape instead of smoking, and watching my colleagues smoke doesn’t bother me.
For anyone else thinking about becoming Smokefree in hospital, I would say to stick with it! – especially if they are in hospital for a week or more. They offer patches to help with any cravings and it’s a good idea to use being in hospital to help you quit, because you can’t go off the ward to smoke anyway!
I certainly hope to stay Smokefree for my health – I can feel the benefits of not smoking already and don’t want to be in hospital again.
I would recommend the support of the NHS Tobacco Dependency Treatment Team to my friends. It has been good to have someone to talk to and to have access to a support worker and patches in hospital.
Dr Mikail Yasso
Respiratory Consultant
Stopping smoking is one of the best things that a patient or a staff member will ever do to improve their health, and I am pleased that the …
Dr Mikail Yasso
Respiratory Consultant
Smokefree for good
Stopping smoking is one of the best things that a patient or a staff member will ever do to improve their health, and I am pleased that the NHS now offer effective Tobacco Dependency Treatment for all patients admitted to hospital, alongside dedicated staff support to remain Smokefree in all of our hospital trusts in the region.
We know there is a treatment to free everyone from tobacco dependence, and the Team will work with the patient to find the best method for them; whether that’s swapping to a nicotine replacement therapy aid, or stopping altogether with specialist support.
The Respiratory Team at North Lincolnshire and Goole Hospitals are committed to working together with the NHS Tobacco Dependency Treatment advisors to offer our patients the tools and support to become Smokefree for good.
Wendy Krstenic
Nurse Director for Clinical Support Health Group, Hull University Teaching Hospitals Trust
Stop smoking support is a life changing intervention that, with the help of NHS Tobacco Dependency Treatment Teams, we are now providing as …
Wendy Krstenic
Nurse Director for Clinical Support Health Group, Hull University Teaching Hospitals Trust
A Smokefree NHS for everyone
Stop smoking support is a life changing intervention that, with the help of NHS Tobacco Dependency Treatment Teams, we are now providing as part of routine care in hospitals, alongside the fantastic community stop smoking support, to help improve the lives of all local people.
I’m excited to see the long term impact this will have on my team and the NHS, by reducing smoking related illness and hospital re-admissions.
Kayleigh Barrington
Project Officer for YourHealth East Riding
NHS Tobacco Dependency Treatment Services are a step towards changing culture in the NHS in a positive way.
Kayleigh Barrington
Project Officer for YourHealth East Riding
Treatment and support for everyone
NHS Tobacco Dependency Treatment Services are a step towards changing culture in the NHS in a positive way. There isn’t any shaming or blaming – this is all about supporting and motivating everyone with effective treatment. If you are a patient, visitor or employee, Tobacco Dependency Treatment is there for you, with a range of nicotine swaps and dedicated behvioural support.
I could talk all day about the benefits of a Smokefree hospital but ultimately it benefits all – patients, visitors, carers and staff. When we consider life often starts in a hospital we really are helping set a child off to the best start in life by reducing any potential risks of the harm of second hand smoke in those first few vital hours after birth and beyond.
By using the help of a Tobacco Dependency Treatment Team will provide an extra layer of support to your quit. We know stopping smoking isn’t easy, but by giving your self the best chance with 1-1 support, guidance on nicotine swaps and ideas on ways to remain Smokefree will make the the difference, to mean this time could be the last ever time you quit.
John Britton
Professor of Epidemiology
Smoking is the biggest avoidable cause of premature death and disease in the UK, and the best thing any smoker can do to improve their healt …
John Britton
Professor of Epidemiology
A fantastic opportunity…
Smoking is the biggest avoidable cause of premature death and disease in the UK, and the best thing any smoker can do to improve their health is to quit smoking. Quitting isn’t easy for anyone, but that is especially true for people who try to quit without help.
It is brilliant that Humber and North Yorkshire have introduced the ‘Swap and Stop’ Tobacco Dependency Treatment programme, to support people to remain Smokefree whilst in hospital.
Quitting can be difficult, but no-one ever regrets it when they have found the method that works for them. Every smoker who quits gains years of life and saves thousands of pounds.
If you smoke and are admitted to hospital, this may just be a fantastic opportunity to free yourself from a lifetime of addiction.
Wayne Gould
Development and Tobacco Control Officer for North East Lincs Public Health Team
Seeing another person smoke is a powerful trigger, making people want to smoke. Making our hospitals and grounds completely Smokefree suppor …
Wayne Gould
Development and Tobacco Control Officer for North East Lincs Public Health Team
Let’s quit together
Seeing another person smoke is a powerful trigger, making people want to smoke. Making our hospitals and grounds completely Smokefree supports the very best health of everyone, from patients and staff to visitors.
Finally, the NHS is accepting that tobacco addiction is a chronic, long-term, relapsing medical condition, not a lifestyle choice. It’s brilliant that proven and effective medication and treatment is being offered in hospital, working hand in hand with the community stop smoking teams, meaning we can help more people than ever before to become successfully Smokefree.